Comments on: Why I Started a Weekly Digital Day Off Simple Answers for Healthier Families Tue, 30 Jul 2019 15:55:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Fri, 29 Mar 2019 16:32:39 +0000 Quite an informative post on how digital gadgets are making our life robotic. I have started taking offs from these for sure. At least, I am off completely from watching television:)

By: Kathy Sat, 16 Mar 2019 12:22:23 +0000 It took our kids almost a year to stop complaining on Sundays when I unplug the wifi, but now they’ve come to appreciate our days off. It’s harder in winter, but we try to get outside or have friends over on our downtime days. It’s so important!

By: gurbir Wed, 13 Mar 2019 06:51:35 +0000 Very well explained how to take a day off from digital life.

By: Ashley Adamson Wed, 13 Mar 2019 02:29:05 +0000 This sounds amazing. My husband and I are redoing our living room and there will be no tv. I cannot wait!

By: anna burns Sun, 03 Mar 2019 13:41:54 +0000 question about turning wifi off….I have been hearing more and more about side effects of wifi, which is concerning. I don’t have my TV on wifi, it’s connected to a cord. My computer is on wifi, but I only turn it on when I use it, which is only once or twice daily. My phone is not on wifi either. I wonder how much
good turning off wifi is if you live in a neighborhood where people all around you have their wifi on. It seems like I might still be affected by all the neighbors.

By: Bradie Haner Sun, 05 Jun 2016 21:36:21 +0000 Not to mention that the EPA has released startaling data that prolonged exposure to our gadgets produces high levels of EMF electrical magnetic frequency that is unbenificial to life. The EPA is labeling EMF as the number one pollutant and danger to humans, the earths natural frequencey use to be 7.83 Htz “The Schuman Resonance” but now we are 11.5 Htz.
DO NOT sleep with your cell phone ie smart phone next to your head as this reduces the brains ability to produce melatonin which is incredibly improtant for health and wellness. There is to much to list here but if you do self research you might find it empowering on ways to help protect yours, those you love and spread awareness.
I personally have found “Orgone” Wilhelm Reich orgonite very useful, but please know what and where you are getting it from. After much reseach I finally started making my own orgonite and feel a huge difference with the orgonite than without it.
Safe keeping to you all, Love your site, thanks for all the amazing knowledge!

By: Wellness Mama Wed, 13 Apr 2016 03:27:20 +0000 In reply to Bethany.


By: Bethany Wed, 13 Apr 2016 00:27:48 +0000 I’m sorry if I missed it in your writing but do you also cut out TV on digital day off? It sounds obvious but I wanted to know as I only recall reading you don’t use the phone or computer on the day. Please let me know!

Thanks in advance,

By: Wellness Mama Wed, 02 Dec 2015 04:39:57 +0000 In reply to Brittany.

Yes and I also use a similar device on my phone… I’ll plan to write about this soon. Thanks for reading!

By: Brittany Wed, 02 Dec 2015 00:48:09 +0000 So I’m curious if you have ever used emf pendants? I know you wrote an article discussing grounding mats and bands. I was hoping you might have some experience with emf everyday wear etc? I absolutely LOVE your site. It is my ‘go to’ for everything and recommend it all the time! Thank you for your site!!!!

By: Yolanda Pope Sun, 25 Oct 2015 20:52:39 +0000 I switched from an iphone to a phone to a very lo-tech phone. I don’t have facebook, instagram or twitter. I don’t make/take calls while running errands or answer the phone when my family is home. And I have an off technology day once per week. Personally, I made these changes because it all seems out of control – I would see people looking down at the phone while driving (how many deaths!), couples walking and each one is on their phone (how much divorce!), people ignoring the check-out person and talking away while everyone is waiting in line, or blabbing personal business for all to hear. It has really become insane. This is just not the life I want for my family and I’m actively choosing something different. After reading this I think I might make my off technology day 2xs/week instead. Thank you!

By: Carmelina Sun, 25 Oct 2015 20:48:41 +0000 Great article!
It has been a while that I want to take time off the digital world, you have inspired me to take action!

By: Hilda Gore Thu, 22 Oct 2015 21:12:10 +0000 Great post! I feel like I spend way too much time on my devices. I like the idea of nights off, or at least a day (or two) off. Gonna work on this. Thanks for the inspiration!

By: zahra Thu, 22 Oct 2015 17:34:53 +0000 Hi Katie,
Great article. I heard a new medical terminology called “WhatsAppititis” coined by a Spanish doctor.
This term is used to denote wrist injury caused by over use of instant messaging service from mobile.
Even I tried of limiting my mobile usage to weekdays many times. But I always fail.
Now you are inspiring. If a great blogger like Katie can do. Why can’t I.
Thanks for explaining the importance of digital day off.

By: John Sturgess Thu, 22 Oct 2015 00:11:08 +0000 Remember the days when the word TWIT had a negative implication about your intelligence. But now every one is proud to twitter > Isnt also Oxymoronic that Twitters logo is a bird symbolizing that your flighty….

By: Stephanie Wed, 21 Oct 2015 19:31:49 +0000 That is a great idea! I try to limit time on my phone, especially when my kids are awake…generally I put it down from dinner time until morning. But I check email frequently during the day, and I think a digital day off would really help me find balance too. Thanks!

By: Amber Tue, 20 Oct 2015 23:57:03 +0000 Hi, I run my businesses primarily online as well. While it has been a blessing as a mama of four to have the ability to grow a successful business from home with teens that challenge me at every turn, chasing a wild toddler with a a baby on my boob, it has also cost me a lot of “time” that could of been better spent with my humans which are the most important part of who I am and the reason I am a mamapreneur. I started taking quarterly detoxes for a week at a time, my last pregnancy I took off a whole month and wrote about it in my blog.

I just logged off social media today indefinitely until I finish my book and am beyond excited about it! I find when I am not connected to the outer world I am much more connected to my inner world; it makes a huge difference in my family and my creativity. I am so glad you are doing this and wrote about it, as human beings we seem to desire others to give us permission to do things, by you taking a stand and doing this with your huge following I believe it will inspire other mama’s to do the same and we both know as mama’s that our children look to us as an example! ROCK ON LADY! Cheers to tech detoxing!

By: Mariana Tue, 20 Oct 2015 11:51:34 +0000 This posts hits me on an aspect of my life that I’ve been putting on hold for quite a while. As a Seventh-day Adventist, me and my family keep the Sabbath, which means a day off daily tasks and worries, in order to get a clearer mind to praise and get in closer contact with the Lord. Technology should definitely fall in this category, although I’ve been postponing it (or making small effort). Now these studies you mention, they agree with what God told us to do, to watch a day off the week to “recharge batteries”. How awesome is that?
Time for me to start taking my Sabbath (actually) off. Including technology.
Thank you for this post!

By: Kari Tue, 20 Oct 2015 03:33:09 +0000 There is so much truth to what you have written. My husband and I own/manage a guest ranch in Wyoming and we host hundreds of people for their summer vacations each summer. People usually begin the week “connected” and afraid of what they will miss on Facebook or in the news. They end up rediscovering a connection to nature, rekindling their relationship with eachother, and developing a bond with their horse, who seems to bring them back to Earth. People do not know what they are missing by not living in the present moment until they give it a try. We feel truly blessed to get to share that experience with our guests! Technology can be a great thing but we are also responsible for teaching our youngsters how to live and experience life.

By: Wellness Mama Tue, 20 Oct 2015 02:59:17 +0000 In reply to Evan Levine.

I agree, and there are even studies that show this, however, when I don’t include these links, many people ask for them or want to know where I got my information, leading to more mental energy expended for both of us. It’s a tough balancing act. Thanks for reading.
