Comments on: My Food Rules to Help Picky Eaters Simple Answers for Healthier Families Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:42:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pat Thu, 04 Apr 2024 19:24:10 +0000 In reply to Anna.

Doesn’t every kid do that at 14 months old?

By: Naomi Sat, 17 Aug 2019 16:14:28 +0000 Out 2.5 year old literally will not touch any fruit or veg. We have always served him the same nutrient rich food we eat. I confess, we do also eat chocolate, ice cream, bread, chips and fries sometimes. We have also made pasta, corn cakes, crackers and snack bars available as snacks. He is still breastfed, so gets some nutrition from me. He’s strong, sharp and very determined (strong-willed). What can we do to get him interested in fruit and veg (besides turning it into ice cream – read frozen banana and coco powder, or popsicles)? In a few weeks after our lodger moves out, we can rid the house of all cereals, snack bars, come cakes, crackers , chocolate, ice cream, etc. But I honestly don’t know what/how to feed my son. For the first 6 months of weaning, we were so confident. We just served hi, what we were eating – some of your recipes as well! But now he eats nearly nothing!

By: Katrina Thu, 25 Apr 2019 17:44:06 +0000 I always thought my parents handled my picky eating very well. We had to try everything. It was ok if we didn’t like it, and if we didn’t want to eat the dinner we could make ourselves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The part I think was the best was that when we said we didn’t like something they would say, “oh you just must not be old enough to like that yet. You will have to try it again when you are bigger.” The theory behind it being that
1 we would try it again in the future willingly to see if we did like it now
2 we wanted to like it in the future when we tried it because it meant we were getting bigger/older
3 taste buds die off and our sense of taste does change over time so even if we didn’t like it we really might think differently at a later time.
It worked every time. I didn’t always like it, but I always tried it again.

By: Brooke Sat, 23 Mar 2019 22:13:03 +0000 I love your ideas on how to get kids to eat healthy! I don’t have any kids yet, but when I do, I want to serve healthy food, so I should find these tips very helpful in the future.

However, I do have one question. Many people say that kids will not starve themselves to death. However, on other websites that I have been too about healthy eating, those sites always list tips on how to deal with picky eating. Many comments on those websites actually disprove the notion that kids will not starve themselves. I even read a comment on such a website, that said a toddler went almost 72 hours without eating! The toddler started becoming lethargic from the lack of food, so the parents just had to cave at that point and give the toddler food. So…there are children out there who will absolutely starve themselves.

There was also another comment on that same website, and it really stuck out. I don’t know if this story is true, but it just really stuck out from all of the other contents on that website. A couple was having a hard time getting their toddler, a little girl, to eat. So they decided to just set the food in front of her, and if she didn’t eat, then she didn’t eat. The problem was…the little girl kept refusing to eat. Meal after meal…the little girl refused to eat the food. However, the parents did not cave and did not give the girl any other food. Eventually…the little girl died of malnourishment. Yes, the parents starved their daughter to death. Now the parents are facing prison time, all because they refused to cave and give their child food. Very tragic indeed. I don’t know if this story is true, but you can see why it stuck out.

So…what should other parents do in that situation? What should parents do when their child just refuses to eat what they set in front of them?

By: Kristen Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:45:24 +0000 How do you handle food at school? I have a 11 and 9 year old. I make their lunches every day (with their help and input). My 9 year old (since kindergarten) chooses to ask his friends for their pure junk food (Doritos, Takis, fruit snacks, donuts, oreos, candy, etc, etc) and eats it every single day. We’ve had many discussions about healthy food and choices. What that type of food does to his body, etc. The kicker is he has an increasing intolerance to dairy and gets bad ear infections if we are not diligent on looking in his ears. He knows this and has suffered through several painful infections but still chooses to eat it. We’ve tried every obvious route, short of homeschooling, but maybe there is a path that doesn’t seem clear or I’m overlooking.? Thank goodness we are headed into spring break so his, now, bleeding ears have a chance to heal before he goes back. I know we are creating an anxiety around food and he has begun habitually lying about it. We stopped reacting to when he tells us he ate something. We have a discussion about his choices and why. We, unfortunately, react when we find out he has been lying. Lying just is not tolerated in our house no matter the subject matter. Ahhhh!! What are healthy minded parents to do!!!!

By: Wellness Mama Mon, 10 Oct 2016 21:10:51 +0000 In reply to Lucy.

If they are really active or if we have a later dinner, I will give them a snack in mid-afternoon, but I stick to something like apples and almond butter or something with protein.

By: Lucy Tue, 13 Sep 2016 21:18:21 +0000 Love the post! Katie, I was wondering about more details on your kids’ eating schedule. Do they all (excluding the newborns) only eat 3 times a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Or do any of the ages have snacks? I’m curious how often kids actually *need* to eat each day. I’m always amazed when I see parents giving their children more food, even if they just had a meal. It just doesn’t seem like that’s necessary, but then I think, “what do I know, I don’t have kids yet”.

By: Anna Fri, 26 Aug 2016 22:09:46 +0000 Oh, I forgot to ask what everyone else does when their 14-month baby throws food off of their plate to the floor or tries to feed their food to the animals instead of eating it. I want there to be as little waste as possible.

By: Anna Fri, 26 Aug 2016 21:56:50 +0000 I am in a situation that no one has mentioned thus far. My husband plus a few other co-workers had lost their jobs just before I gave birth. I gave birth and a few months later we ended up having to move in with my parents. Since then, my husband has gotten another job but it pays half of what he made before. We can not afford our own place… Yet. Our daughter is now 14 months. Anyway, the problem is that my parents and last remaining grandparent are not respecting me when it comes to food choices. They grew up on junk and raised me on junk. My daughter and I are vegetarian (My husband is too when I cook dinner for us), while the rest of my family is not. The rest of my family eats junk food. We do not. We buy our own food, but when I’m not looking they try to feed her junk food or meat (I guess they think I’m depriving her, but most animals today are fed GMO grains, farm fish are too). They are fat and sick. The dogs are fat and sick. “I” used to be fat and sick too. I was raised to eat meat and junk food too. I never ate any veggies unless you call pickles on a double bacon cheeseburger with extra fries and a super large coke veggies. SOMETIMES I would eat peas, but that was rare. I HAD to change my life and I did. I went on a low-fat raw vegan diet and lost all of the excess weight I had and became healthy and even started to exercise. Now that I know how to be healthy, I want my daughter to be healthy too and not have to be sick like I have been. She has not been sick a day in her life so far. Well, my daughter and I did have a cold that only lasted 3 days (during that time my Mom had an upper respiratory infection that lasted 2 weeks and my step dad had bronchitis for at least 3 weeks), but that’s it. But, I’m still concerned about all of the candy (my parents have at least 4 candy dishes throughout the living room) and toaster strudels she samples. Now, we do eat eggs from our chickens that we raise free range and we do occasionally eat wild caught fish, but all veggies have protein to some extent so we get most of our protein from beans, nuts, and seeds (always have to keep my eye on her when it comes to the bird feeders my grandma has. My daughter loves sunflower seeds and pepitas.) She also loves broccoli and peas and even kale chips. Does anyone have any advice for telling my parents what to do in their own home when it concerns my daughter?

By: Carolyn Sat, 09 Jul 2016 12:26:08 +0000 In reply to BriAnne Moline.

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 6. My mom took me off all sugar, food dyes. She got me tested for allergies, then took me off milk, too, and cooked whole foods instead. It completely changed my behavior and I did better in school and did not have behavior problems in school after that.

By: Wellness Mama Tue, 24 May 2016 18:52:27 +0000 In reply to Anna.

I found the one-bite rule really helpful at first. Would your little one eat one bite of a non-favorite food if he could have some food he likes after? After some time, he should develop a taste for these foods.

By: Anna Wed, 04 May 2016 12:41:44 +0000 I love love love your sight! You are such a blessing and absolutely awesome! Quick question – I have an almost 2 yr old who is such a picky eater. I have finally gotten my husband on board and have thrown most processed foods and snacks out of the house. While I have always enjoyed cooking it is an adjustment to learn to cook or bake everything, but I know it is worth it! However, despite my best efforts my child would rather not eat than eat some healthier options. I followed the conventional foods they recommend as first foods and I know he was probably introduced to sweets to early and has ruined his taste buds. Do I just stay home for a few days, deal with a cranky toddler who is half starved but not let him have anything but the healthy stuff? He will often try new things but just doesn’t like them! He even tried seaweed for me several times but he just couldn’t get used to the texture. That is the other thing, he is very sensitive to textures. Any advice would be welcome, otherwise, I guess eventually he will be hungry enough and just eat? Thanks!

By: Kim Sun, 10 Apr 2016 12:35:49 +0000 May I suggest a book for you Wellness Mama, Conscious Parenting. 🙂

By: Mel Wed, 23 Mar 2016 03:17:36 +0000 I think this is awesome advice! As for children going to bed hungry-many miss the point/s..
1. Trust me, it won’t happen often. Once is number of times each of my 5 children have chosen to go to bed rather than eat what’s provided.
2. It’s kinder to be firm a few times in their life, than “cave in” every time!
3. Skipping a meal-especially an evening meal simply means they’ll be hungry in the morning!!it doesn’t kill them!! With my 2 yr old, I place unfinished meals in the fridge, and serve it an hour or so later when he’s really hungry. He usually gobbles it all.
4. Definitely ask WHY a child doesn’t like a food. There maybe a simple solution or satisfactory alternative, or valuable insight.
We have been using food as a reward, but not any more after reading this!
We don’t do snacks much either, this info reinforced why and I’m glad we’ve stuck to it.
We aim to keep meal times calm fun and kind! Even if someone doesn’t eat much-they haven’t missed out on our “daily bonding session” and it’s not a drama.

By: Sophie Mon, 21 Mar 2016 16:30:23 +0000 I have a 6yo who eats everything and anything and a 8yo who is autistic. He has been incredibly fussy with food and moving to France 6 months ago was tough for him food-wise. I’m pleased to say that the one bite rule has been working well and his very limited list of what he will eat is growing. I try to take him shopping with me and encourage him to be adventurous, which is developing his willingness to try. As a French woman, I grew up with a very wide variety of food and a healthy attitude to food but I’ve been to the US and was shocked. Portion size and the sheer amount of rubbish in supermarkets you guys have over there is unbelievable. It must be hard on that side of the pond to fight the food industry!

By: Leah Williams Sun, 27 Dec 2015 05:42:45 +0000 Hi, I have a 9 year old who is a somewhat picky eater. He eats some fruits, some veggies, some meats, etc. but is very hesitant to try new things. I usually try to get him to try just a bite of something new. sometimes he gags when he tries the new food. He doesn’t gag on every new food but just those he is really hesitant to try. He especially hates to try new foods at other people’s houses even if it’s something that he will eat at home because one time he tried something and ended up throwing up.

I was a picky eater as a child although not as picky as he is. My mom didn’t force me to try new foods and eventually I grew out of it and became more adventurous. My concern if I don’t force my son to try new foods he won’t ever do it. I worry as he begins going to friend’s houses that he won’t eat(this has happened). I’m not so concerned that he will go hungry in those situations but that he will appear to be rude(even though he is very polite when declining food) and won’t get invited back.

I like your idea of having everyone try a bite of something before the meal and then asking for more of only what they like but would love advice on how to handle him gagging on certain foods.

By: Virginia Curtis Fri, 25 Sep 2015 22:40:47 +0000 In reply to Tiffini S..

As someone who has MANY allergies, it’s possible your children are actually allergic to what you’re feeding them. I’d take them to an ENT Dr and have them tested for allergies. I was force fed a few foods as a child that made me throw up. It wasn’t something I did on purpose, rather my bodies reaction to that food. Something to consider.

By: Virginia Curtis Fri, 25 Sep 2015 22:38:49 +0000 In reply to Ashley.

As someone who has MANY allergies, I’d bet your husband is allergic to a few vegetables, and has associated all vegetables with that allergy. For example, I am allergic to mold, therefore I am also allergic to mushrooms and raw onions and raw garlic. I’d take both of your boys to an ENT Dr for allergy testing.

By: Katie - Wellness Mama Fri, 19 Jun 2015 01:56:35 +0000 In reply to lara.

At home, we are completely real food, but unless there is an allergy, I do allow a little leeway when we are at a friend’s house. Thankfully, many of our friends eat the way we do, and I prefer to host when possible, but I feel that sometimes the benefits of time with good friends outweigh the possible negatives of the food they serve (and we take charcoal if it is stuff we usually avoid)

By: lara Thu, 18 Jun 2015 07:26:23 +0000 Hi Katie

I signed up for your meal plans today and am very excited. I read your post of food rules and I would love to put these ideas into my family. I am just wondering how to you manage eating real grain free food out of the house. Ie what rules do you put on the kids for school functions, friends houses, camps etc. Do the same rules in the house apply outside the house? It seems so hard ( maybe rude) to me to be invited to ones house for a meal but not really be able to eat it as the meat is conventional factory farmed meat and the sauces are all made with bad oils and lots of chemical additives not to mention the grains. I am just wondering how you manage these things in your family.

Cant wait to start meal planning
