And fish! Dried salted fish (rubbed with olive oil and two or three sorts of pepper) is absolutely marvellous. Makes your kitchen smell nice, too. We have a sailboat in our garden (my husband is in the process of repairing it) and the other day I hung some mackerel to dry from the propeller shaft. The chickens wouldn’t go near it, nor would any flies at all!
]]>If you have friends who have a family near by, perhaps you might be able to buy things from them. I have a family and also friend who lives by herself, and we’d go to the market together. Sometimes we’d find things like a 5-kilo sack of carrots for 2.50 euros, then I’d buy it, she’d pay me for the carrots she needed, and I’d cart the rest off home to roast or pickle for my own family.
]]>Agave is plant based, but it can contain more fructose (70-94%) than high fructose corn syrup (something like 40 or 50% fructose). If I’m remembering correctly, agave syrup also has a tendency to interfere with hormones, and cause blood sugar issues. Someone please correct me if I got this wrong.
]]>Thank you!
]]>please, please, please be careful about storing meats above raw produce and other ready-to-eat foods. you dont want raw meat juices dripping and causing contamination… that can cause salmonella, e.coli, and other sicknesses.
be well!
]]>Hi and thank you for asking and answering. I took time to work everything out. Being single person too I mamanged to work something around what i can do and manage. Of course being from the UK i have a lot to learn on the way of where to access the same quality food. Learning that Britain only ever sells grass fed meat i don’t know what to look out for for high quality safe dairy and meat. But i learnt our local store doesn’t inject anything into their animals and only does herbal therapeutic treatment when they ever get ill. I wonder if they are best to buy from why weren’t they labeled in the top list from a website i was looking at. Buying from tropical traditions seems more expensive due to the delivery cost but that’s the only other option I’ve found. I don’t yet live in the country but i do plan to and do plan to start growing my own and later in country life i plan to have my own ducks for eggs so thank you for the information and time you take to post everything. They’ve been a fantastic help. I’m learning how to keep up and manage my own and fit in a budget. And now i know when i grow my own i can freeze quite a lot of it. I thought i needed a massive freezer before when i was eating grains but now i learnt eating more fat saves the 2 Co part meets for just meat and veg. So you can try that two Sarah. Soon as i decide and buy my bulk I’ll be buying 2 source of meat. Two source of fish like shell fish and wild caught and I was planning to prepare one whole meat into a fortnight or months worth of meals. Like small chicken cut up for salads and medium meat or minces meat for burgers. And I was planing to buy a week bulk or fortnight of greens and store them. 😉 I have a budget too and this only works out 40 more a f than my normal shopping order only difference is its better and healthier. 😉
]]>Becky, you may want to read Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride’s information about GAPS. She used nutrition to cure her son’s autism as well as heal clients of OCD, ADHD/ADD, depression – it’s quite amazing. I’m starting down the recovery road as well – which is why I found this site! Thanks, Wellness Mama, for practical advice in going grain-free.
]]>These rules really helped us in the beginning:
]]>Hi there! I live in Belgium and coconut flour is extremely expensive around here… how about using corn or chestnut flour as an alternative? It is much easier to find and is cheaper…. What I have seen around are as well buckweed and soy flour.
Thanks, Aliona
– soak 1 1/2 cup almonds in a mason jar of water overnight (or at least 6 hours) and rinse well
– combine almonds in blender with 4c filtered water, and blend well
– line a colander with a t-shirt or a few layers of cheesecloth, then strain almond mixture to get the meal out
– lift the t-shirt out of the colander and squeeze it reeeeal good, for maximum milkage
– stir in (to taste) ~2t sea salt, ~2T agave nectar (or sugar), and a little (~1/4t) vanilla extract (if you wanna)
homemade almond milk keeps 4-7 days in the fridge in a mason jar – use a tight lid so you can shake it well before you use it as it will most definitely separate.
for chocolate almond milk: add 4T cocoa, 4T agave, and 1/2t vanilla extract to your strained almond milk
coconut almond milk: add 1/2 c dried shredded coconut at the blending stage. don’t soak the coconut, it gets bitter.
the leftover almond meal is a great source of protein – throw a little in a smoothie, stir into
yr yogurt, or use as a base for raw cookies. ok to freeze and use later.
thanks again for sharing your research through these wonderful and informative posts!
]]>1 head will make about a quart and will last months in the fridge if stored correctly…